feyraska cusub oo lagu arkay UK

1997 Brian W.J. Mahy, BSc, MA, PhD, ScD, DSc This image was created during a investigation into an outbreak of monkeypox, which took place in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), 1996 to 1997, formerly Zaire, and depicts the dorsal surfaces of monkeypox case patient, who was displaying the appearance of the characteristic rash during its recuperative stage. Even in its stages of healing, note how similar this rash appears to be when compared to the recuperative rash of smallpox, also a Orthopoxvirus. In 1996, 71 suspected human monkeypox cases were reported from the Katako-Kombe Health Zone, Kasai Oriental, DRC. These initial reports suggested predominant person-to-person transmission and prolonged chains of transmission. Two cases were confirmed by monkeypox virus isolation from lesion material. In February 1997, an investigation was initiated. Our report describes epidemiologic observations and laboratory results supporting the conclusion that repeated animal reintroduction of monkeypox virus is needed to sustain the disease in the local human population. For more extensive details, as well as citations, see the link below.

PHIL images 12745 through 12784 depict a full slide presentation telling the story of this investigation.

Qof ku sugan dalka Ingiriiska ayaa laga helay fayras lagu magacaabo monkeypox, sida ay sheegtay waaxda arrimaha caafimaadka ee UK.

Qofka laga helay feyraskan ayaa dhawaan u safray dalka Nigeria, halkaas oo la rumeysan yahay in uu kasoo qaaday fayraska ka hor inta uusan imaan UK, ayay tiri hay’adda caafimaadka.

Waxaana haatan bukaanka lagu daweynayaa xarunta lagu qaabilo bukaanada uu ku dhaco cudurrada faafa ee ku taalla isbitaalka NHS ee London.
Feyraska Monkeybox waa caabuq naadir ah kaas oo dadka badankiis ay ka soo kabtaan dhowr toddobaad gudahood, sida ay sheegtay waaxda qaran ee arrimaha caafimaadka UK ee NHS.

Waxay sheegtay in feyraskan uusan si fudud ugu dhax fidin bulshada isla markaana ay aad u hooseyso halista uga imaan karto bulshada.

Waaxda caafimaadka ee UK waxay sheegtay in shaqaalaha caafimaadka ay si dhow ula shaqeynayaan xarunyta NHS si loola xiriiro dadka laga yaabo in uu la kulmay ninkan laga helay feyraska Monkeybox.

Sanadkii 2018-kii ayay aheyd markii UK ay diiwaangelisay kiiskii ugu horreeyay ee feyraskan, wixii intaa ka dambeeyay waxaa la xaqiijiyay dhowr kiis oo isla caabuqan ah.


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